The Pantone color of 2023 is a vibrant and energetic shade of pink, known as "Viva Magenta." This bold color is a fusion of pink and purple, creating a powerful and striking hue that is sure to make a statement.

According to the Pantone Color Institute, Viva Magenta was chosen as the color of the year for 2023 due to its ability to evoke feelings of confidence, energy, and positivity. This color is meant to inspire individuals to embrace their individuality and to take risks in their personal and professional lives.

A person holding a screen printing squeegee that has been coated in a variety of magenta and dark pink inks

One way to use Viva Magenta in custom t-shirt design is to make it the dominant color of the shirt. This will create a bold and daring look that is sure to turn heads. No one will get lost from the group with their Viva Magenta custom tees.

A bright magenta colored shirt with bold white text for a bachelorette party

Another way to incorporate Viva Magenta into custom t-shirt design is to use it as an accent color. For example, you can create a design with a white t-shirt and add Viva Magenta details to make it pop. You can also use Viva Magenta as the color for your logo or text on the shirt.

A white t-shirt with a bold navy and magenta design for a kickball team

Viva Magenta can also be paired with other colors to create a dynamic and playful color palette. For example, you can pair Viva Magenta with yellow, orange, or green to create a fun and vibrant look.

A bubblegum pink shirt with a playful vacation t-shirt design that features a bright magenta flamingo

Overall, Viva Magenta is a color that is meant to inspire and empower individuals to be their true selves. This color encourages individuals to take risks and to embrace their individuality. Whether used as a main color or accent, Viva Magenta is sure to make a bold and vibrant statement in 2023.

For more color inspiration, check out our post on using color theory in your t-shirt design.