At UberPrints we have a lot of artists on staff which means we have a lot of help when it comes to creating designs, and helping our customers design their perfect shirt.
Today we chat with head Atlanta designer Tommie Lee who will let us in on some design tips, some of his favorite designs, and the story behind his infamous UberPrints Christmas shirt.
UP: How long have you worked at UberPrints and what kind of work did you do before?
TL: I’ve worked at UberPrints for close to four years. Before UberPrints I worked as a graphic web designer for Case-Mate (cell phone accessories company) for five years.

UP: The people that work with you everyday, could pick out your designs easily, but how would you describe your design style?
TL: I would describe my design style a clean with a little edge.
UP: Okay, how did you come up with the awesome UberPrints Christmas giveaway Shirt?
TL: The idea was to juxtapose holiday/Christmas icons from movies, literature, etc. and create designs that are iconic, nostalgic, and trendy. The UberPrints Christmas shirt is a mashup of two of my favorite Christmas classics. The hope was to start our own holiday tradition with these giveaway tees.
UP: If someone were having trouble with designing their own shirt, what tips would you give them to get things going?
TL: Browse around for inspiration, e.g. pinterest or google image search and remember less is more. You can’t go wrong with a cool minimalist design.
UP: What kind of artists and designers do you follow on Social Media?
TL: I’m not into social media as much, but lately I’ve been following the great typographic artist Junatastico.
UP: What’s your favorite meal in Atlanta?
TL: Fox Brothers BBQ. This is going to sound weird but the portabella burger, which is Vegetarian, it’s all good.
UP: When did you know you were destined to be an artist?
TL: I’ve always had a connection with the creative arts. I guess my first sort of defining moment was in the 4th grade when I entered my first design competition and I was chosen to represent the school in county wide gallery show.

UP: Are ever able to turn off the artist in you? How does it bled into your non-professional life?
TL: No. I’m always looking at the world through a creative lens. I would say my design sensibilities have aided me well with my home decor and renovation projects. I’m often told from visitors that my home interior looks like a model home.
UP: What is your favorite shirt that you have seen someone design on UberPrints?
TL: I’m always happy to see customers use our design templates.
Check out some of Tommie’s designs from his UberPrints portfolio.