Product Comparison: Gildan Softstyle T-Shirt 640 vs. Bella + Canvas Jersey T-Shirt 3001

When it comes to choosing the perfect t-shirt for your printing needs, two popular options are the Gildan Softstyle T-Shirt G640 and the Canvas Jersey T-Shirt 3001. Both shirts offer excellent quality and comfort, but they do have some differences worth considering. In this product comparison, we will explore various aspects of these t-shirts to help you make an informed decision.


The Gildan Softstyle T-Shirt G640 is made from 100% ring-spun cotton, which provides a soft and smooth feel. It has a fabric weight of 4.5 ounces, making it lightweight and breathable. On the other hand, the Canvas Jersey T-Shirt 3001 is also crafted from 100% combed and ring-spun cotton, delivering a comfortable and premium texture. It has a similar fabric weight of 4.2 ounces.

Fit and Style

Both t-shirts offer a classic, relaxed fit suitable for most body types. The Gildan Softstyle G640 features a Euro fit, which means it has a slightly slimmer cut with shorter sleeves and a seamless double-needle collar. The Canvas Jersey 3001, on the other hand, offers a more traditional fit with standard sleeves and a ribbed collar for added structure.

Color Range

Both Gildan and Canvas offer an extensive selection of colors to choose from. The Gildan Softstyle G640 comes in a wide range of vibrant hues, including basic and heathered shades, allowing for versatile design options. Similarly, the Canvas Jersey CA3001 offers a diverse color palette, including trendy and muted tones, providing ample choices to match your design requirements.

Printing Compatibility

Both t-shirts are available for screen and digital printing. Both the Gildan Softstyle T-Shirt G640 and the Canvas Jersey T-Shirt 3001 are 100% cotton which makes for great-looking, vibrant prints.


In terms of pricing, the Gildan Softstyle T-Shirt G640 generally tends to be more budget-friendly compared to the Canvas Jersey T-Shirt 3001. Depending on the quantity and specific vendor, there may be variations in pricing, so it's recommended to check with your supplier for accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

Ultimately, both the Gildan Softstyle T-Shirt G640 and the Canvas Jersey T-Shirt 3001 are excellent choices for custom printing. The Gildan option provides a slightly slimmer fit and is optimized for DTG printing, while the Canvas Jersey shirt offers a classic fit and a touch more durability. Consider your specific preferences, printing requirements, and budget to determine which t-shirt best meets your needs.